We are entering our third decade nurturing relationships with Basque students, families and business people from northern Spain. When you visit the Basque people make it clear that you are not in Spain, you are in Basque Country.

The majority of our American friends who have hosted a Basque student fall in love with their family and unique culture.  For many the two families, from across the world with two different cultures, have maintained close contact through the internet celebrating each other’s festivals, traveling to each other’s town, watching their children grow and sharing life’s joys and tragedies together.

Some of our Basque friends have come to faith in Jesus. This is not an easy or hurried decision for a Basque person. It is a weighty decision because the cost of following Jesus in Basque Country is difficult. The problem, once making a decision to follow Jesus, is there is nothing to very little in Basque Country to help them grow in becoming more like Jesus.

The following presentation is our attempt to communicate a need to do things differently as it relates to bringing the good news of the Kingdom to the Basque people. If you would like to discuss our approach, please contact us. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss it with you.